Is a refund possible for this class?

Unfortunately, refunds aren't available once a purchase is made. This is because you get instant access to all the course materials, including videos, templates, and other resources. So, please review the class details thoroughly to ensure it's the right fit for you before you sign up.

Can I sell jewelry I made with the flower designs from this class?

Yes, you can! When you buy this class, you're also getting a lifetime license to use the flower designs I've shared with you, and that includes for commercial purposes. Go ahead and create as many of these flowers as you'd like for your jewelry projects. Just keep in mind, the  flower designs are for your use only since you've purchased the class - please don't resell or pass them on. Reselling them as patterns or designs would infringe on copyright, which means I'd have to step in.

How will I know if I have everything I need to complete this class? I'm afraid to pay and then not be able to use it.

Don't worry! You can see the class preview to check the details on what tools you will need, what materials, and what techniques will be covered. This should give you an idea whether this class is suitable for your skill set. This class is recommended for those who have basic experience with jewellery making and metalsmithing, so if you're a complete beginner, this class may not be right at the moment, but a bit later on, when you feel comfortable with basic techniques. 

Do I have to complete this class within a certain timeframe? 

Not at all! After you've purchased the class, it's all yours to explore at your leisure. Feel free to watch the videos as many times as you need, and print the flower templates as often as you like. There's absolutely no rush or deadline, so you can enjoy learning and creating on your own schedule. The class will be available to you for as long as I offer courses online. If the class changes place(site), I will contact you with the update and access details.

Can I share this class with a friend?

No. It's great to see your enthusiasm to spread the knowledge, but class access is designed for your eyes only. Sharing your login or course materials isn't fair play - it's not ethical, and it shortchanges the effort put into creating this class. We are on the lookout for logins from multiple locations to ensure everything is clean and fair. So, let's stick to the honor system: no sharing logins, no passing around course materials like they're freebies. If we spot a login that looks like it's been shared, we'll have to say goodbye, and re-enrollment won't be an option. Thanks for respecting the rules and the hard work that goes into this class!